INTERMACHINEX Ltd. was founded in 1993 and since then is a member of Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The vision
Our vision is to be an international trading company in the business of selling Bulgarian and European made metalworking machines.
Our mission is to be a competent and reliable supplier of standard metalworking machinery. The machinery must satisfy the customers’ need for efficiency, be reliable and simple to operate, and comply with the safety and environmental standards required.
Quality objective
The customers must receive products that correspond to their requirements and expectations.
Our management and staff have many years experience in all aspects of International Trading, which coupled with their Commercial and Technical Expertise creates a highly successful combination.
We must ensure that the customers’ expectations coincide with our own perception of product quality requirements.
Проект: BG16RFOP002-2.089-2191-C01 „Подкрепа за малки предприятия с оборот над 500 000 лв. за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19“
Главна цел: Осигуряването на оперативен капитал за предприятието за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19
Обща стойност на заявлението за подкрепа: 50 000 лв., от които 50 000 лв. европейско и 0,00 лв. национално съфинансиране
Начало: 21.10.2021 г. Край: 21.01.2022 г. |